


Accessiblity Guidelines

The Suffolk County High School Principals Association is committed to ensuring that our website meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 and adhere to Section 508 Compliance.


Headings are used to structure items on a page, ensuring the content is organized is a proper manner.  Headings start with the most important information, defined by Rank 1 <h1> and is closed with the same </h1>.  The lowest rank is <h6>, closed by the same </h6>.

Color Contrast

We use the WebAIM Color Contrast Checker when using colored text on our website, in PDF documents, and all other documents and files created and maintained by the organization.  A color contrast of 4.50 for normal sized text (12 pt. or lower), or 3.00 for large text (14 pt. or larger) is required to meet these guidelines. Please note that the organization is not responsible for the color contrast of graphics provided on our website.


Alternative text is provided for all images placed on our website and in documents created and maintained by the organization. Alternative text ensures that screen readers and like devices or software can provide the user with a description of the picture in the event they are unable to see it.


All hyperlinks are given a tooltip. This is a brief description of where the link is taking you; essentially, this the alternative text for the link.